Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Okay all you bloggers....Have any of you printed off a blog book with any company besides blurb? Blurb no longer supports blogger!!! Major bummer, I was in the middle of printing my I am looking for another company or some way besides cutting and pasting my blog to blurb...seriously that would take another year!! Thanks for your help....does this count as my post today??? really I think I can do better than that...We are already having a morning around here.....poopy diapers (more than usual) GREEN snot, biting 15 trips to timeout...All before nin am. WOW it is going to be a long day. I think I will remain in my pj's and crawl back into bed!


karin said...

You crack me up! We should be neighbors (next-door neighbors) and then we could send the big boys out to play together and we could just have the nice, non-fighting, non-time-out boys with us while we watch something great on TV (not Doodlebops or Avatar).

Unknown said...

I didn't even know you could print out a book from your blog! Let me know when you figure it out, I would love to print one too! Hope your day turned out better!

Darci said...

I will ask Camille from the ward I know she has done it and I will find out what she used.

This totally counts as a post for the day.

Katie Anderson said...

One of my best friends from college does this as a business...I can give you her information!

Ryan and Missy- said...

It's thursday afternoon and you haven't blogged yet. Have you already fallen off the wagon? hahah

karin said...

I will be interested to see how you blog about today. Noah hasn't asked once where you are.