Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Mall....

I had to get out today....It has rained far too much but I didn't care and I trudged off to the mall with my three in tow. It was a great mall trip, the two older boys were excellent Ryder was fine as long as I held him. But while at the mall I got all sorts of looks and comments. Really I know I have three kids three and under but really people were looking at me like I had just come off a space ship. A lady in the parking lot asked me how many more I had hiding in the car and then proceeded to ask me if I knew what caused that...(that being three children)no lady I don't can you explain it to me? Idiot. Am I missing something is three suddenly A LOT of kids? I mean I know I am a little frazzled, but honestly, we were all showered hair done and dressed warm. Really the stares I was getting I thought something was wrong. Three seperate ladies passed me with the comment of "Oh Lord". And yes to reward myself and the boys, the got candy and I got a piece of cheesecake....yah I know diet what? But really it was cry or eat cheesecake and lets face it cheesecake tastes better. I never knew it was a crime to have three kids.....really I have felt this way since I had Ryder but thought the crazy looks would some how wear off but nope....really I am NOT crazy at least I wasn't today!


karin said...

Too funny. I got the same looks when I had the baby strapped to me at DL with the older boys in the stroller but as long as the boys were walking, no one looked at me twice.
And I think people really do think 3 kids is a lot these days.

Lisa said...

i used to get those looks alot when gavin was a baby. but it was more of the 'you teenage whore' look. and come to think of it, it was mainly at the mall. let me tell you... feels great people!

The Clevelands said...

HAHAHAHAHAH Lisa I get the "you teenage whore" look all the time!!! But now I cant wait for people to give me looks cause eI give them one ten times worse back.......I am just so sick of people judging others. Im over it. I wish I was at the mall with you so i could tell off every judgmental lady ther....thinking about it I want to go to the mall tomorrow and wait for the first dirty look, or stark comment.....they will be sorry! I will defend your honor Abby! Dont judge me I have had it up to my eye balls with people and there judgmentalness !

Darci said...

That is so weird since the mall always has tons of moms with their strollers. People are weird don't pay attention to them, maybe they are just jealous. Was it a Chessecake Factory chessecake??? Those are the best and I think there is one at the mall (that is if you went to the mission viejo one).

ps I am with Wendy I would be ready with a comment back next time.

The Four on Board said...

come up with something darci and wendy said...and say it..but you have to come up with it ahead of time so you will be prepared. i think that would be great!

Unknown said...

Did you go to the Mission Mall? Kelly and I were there till 1:30. Golly what the flip is wrong with people eh? I think I would have Wendy with me next time too! You go girl!

Buy the way why should anyone have to judge you anyway, your boys are always dressed way cute!

Cassie said...

people are so rude!!! I bet you all looked so cute out at the mall and those should have been the comments you got, not mean ones! By the way love the picture at the top of your blog!! You go supermom!

Aubrey Leong said...

That is ANOTHER reason you should move to Utah. I get a lot of.."you sure have your hands full" but a mom with three kids under three isn't really weird out here.

shanda said...

I want to smack people like that. What are they talking about barad and angalena have 7 kids. Secne when was 3 kids alot. I bet that they are just jelious because they did't have as cute kids as yours. I say the more the maryer. I will take them out if you need me to.

Bethany said...

So sorry Abby - I feel your pain! Go to Laguna Hills mall next time. They're not as snooty and all the old people like to look at the little kids. Even better, next time I'll go with you - 2 moms and 7 kids, now that would be so fun!!!

Proud new Parents! said...

Ha! I love you! What crazy people! why don't they just mind their own beez wax! You have a beautiful and lively family! Nothing to be ashamed of there.... We are gonna be in CA for Christmas. We are blessing Madi on the 28th. I will call you! I will be there until New years. We have got to get together! I have to see Ryder and the other boys and You of course! Lots of love! Tina