Sawyer is my happy happy baby, and really even him unhappy is still not bad at all. But lately he has not been wanting to go to bed at night and is just unusually vocal. So this morning after an hour of him crying just because I stuck my finger in his mouth and all four molars are plowing through. Noah did the same thing he would get like 5 teeth at once. I am glad they are ALL coming in at once but really why can't babies be born with teeth. It is so not fair to have them be in so much pain. He has started throwing fits....actually it makes me laugh. He totally throws himself on the floor in protest. I am trying to get him off of the bottle....he screamed at me this morning for a good five minutes as he watched me pour his morning delight into a cup. I know mean mom. I still give him a bottle at night...I know weak mom but he IS still my baby for two more months. I found these great things at Target called little dippers, they are for kids learning to eat with a spoon. I let Sawyer use one this morning and it was hilarious how he looked when he was done. But he loved every minute of it.
Noah is making little progress in the potty department...but then again I am not very motivated. Also he still has his pacifier.....any advice?? I really think at this point I just need to go cold turkey and torture myself and others for a weekend. I just worry about him taking Sawyer's too and then there is the thought that I should just take both away....but I like that Sawyer will take one....remind me of that in a year when I am mad that Sawyer still has one too. I am such a pushover....I like to think it is pregnancy related.
Ryder is doing good, I had an ultrasound on Thursday and the tech asked me if we had tall people in our family because he had really long femur bones?? Really I have never heard that one before. So we will see if he is tall you would think with the Neilson blood we would get a tall one but who knows. Ryder is also breach....all I know is thank goodness that I am already having a c-section because the process of having them turn him just sounded very painful. So they have scheduled him to come for August 5th. So far I am not having any blood pressure issues.....but with the other two that only happened in the last three weeks. So we will see...the Dr. keeps reassuring me that there is nothing that I can do and that they don't know what causes it. So we will see!!
So this blog is really more for me to remember. Especially being pregnant I forget everything so sorry if I bore you all.
Gweniveve still only has four teeth, I don't think I am looking forward to getting molars.
Not boring at all. It's great to hear!!!
umm i just wrote in your email...cranky fussy babies are very hard to deal with..especially when they are usually really good. ugh. i am not looking forward to teeth AT ALL. i cant tell you how many times i have said the same thing as you ..." why cant they be BORN with teeth?" grrrh.
Maybe he is cranky because he misses "AAH-STY." I have no suggestions for either of those- Big A potty trained himself and Lil A got rid of his "B" on his own. I am working on the potty thing with Lil A now and it is HARD!
I love the update, good to know your due date too! It's crazy that they are figuring it all out so soon...can you believe it's almost here???? Also, on the pacifiers, my suggestion is cold turkey, and do both at the same time. It does make for a long weekend, but Brinley definitely was harder than Braden. I have sworn to take them away by 1 from now on....but we'll see how that goes :)
My advice is cut off the nipples on all of the paci's so that he can no longer suck on them but he can still hold them if he wants to, that is what we ended up doing with my little sisters paci. She sleeped with all of her broken paci's for months but she couldn't suck on them! We just told my sister that they are all broken!!It worked great. She was three when they finally did it. On a side note I have the same problem when I took Allissa's bottle away at 15 months she started stealing brody's paci. Allissa started on the paci at 15 months and hasn't stopped yet. I know she will just steal brody's and I am not willing to deal with two kids with no binky. I will take them away after my CA trip this summer. I am excited that I will be there when you have ryder! I leave august 10th.
Sorry about the molars. Sorry about the pacies. Sorry about the potty. Sorry about the high B.P. Sorry, sorry, sorry. can only get better.
I fould your blog wahoooooo. O my gosh you have a full fledge family. That is so wierd. I have to be honst I am really sad that I don't live in Temecula. I am so missing you guys. Your family is so cute. can't wait to see more
my sister Stacy cut the end of the binkey so when they suck on it,it doesent work. That worked for her girls.
wow i didn't know you had c-sections with both boys and are planning on one for this baby. How nice though to know what day you need to be ready for. I feel like I can go any day and just take one week at a time now to hear from the doctor. Good luck with everything these last few weeks
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