We followed the signs around and saw a few butterflies. There were these posts that had pictures of the different kinds of butterflies you may see, so I had Noah stand in front of it so I could atleast get a picture of it as he is leaning on it the whole post falls to the ground...seriously?? Where did I take us?? The little girls were like a monster knocked over that post...no not a monster just Noah!!!
It was so hot we decided to take our lunches back to the park and eat them but even the park was too hot so we all came back to our house and let the kids play/eat. I still had a fun day and I love that I have so many fun friends who were willing to try this out even if it was a bummer. I still had fun!!!
I am laughing so hard right now, I dint know the post fell down. where was I. haha that WAS a fun day!
You are not fired from planning, it is still great to venture out, even though we did not make it. It sounded tons of fun.
I want you to plan EVERYTHING! Then there will be a good posting about it.
That was a great day...I think had the weather cooperated more it would have been better. But I still like you planning the activities!
oh my gosh! RSM once a week would be awesome!!! it really was fun and perfect for little ones!!! :)
Way to go monster Noah!!!
We still had a great time! It's just nice to get out and be with everyone.
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