Sunday, February 12, 2012

So Long Farewell.......

I knew that leaving Orange County would be very bitter sweet. Orange County has been a great place for us and we really thought we would be there forever. I feel like this is where we became a whole family and I know that this is where I grew up and learned a lot about myself. Mostly I was nervous to leave my friends. I have been so blessed with amazing and wonderful women in my life. Seriously even as I sit here I am crying just thinking about them. I have never been in a place like it and had so many wonderful friends! I was lucky enough to get a girls night out with some of my fabulous friends. I wish I had brought my camera!! They were so sweet I am going to miss those girls nights, book clubs, and dance parties!! Jenn also put together a park day goodbye! I will miss my Thursday park days and I will definitely be going up for some visits very very soon!!
Another thing I was very sad to be leaving was Noah's teacher. Mrs. Moore has been so amazing for Noah. It broke my heart to have to leave her. She is AWESOME!!
Thank you thank you to all our wonderful friends and family who have made our lives so much better and happier. Thank goodness we are only an hour away I will be going to visit OFTEN!!

(so sad I didn't take ANY pictures except on the kids last days)

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