Sunday, January 8, 2012

A year of instagram

I am taking the photo a day challenge through instagram. I will be taking a photo a day. And then posting them here on the blog once a week. It's been fun to see what we do on a daily basis. So here are week one's photos:

1: yummy cinnamon French toast new years morning. 2: three weeks of sickness first strep then a sinus infection then bronchitis. 3 prescriptions 2 breathing treatments and an inhaler. Ugh 3. Cast off!! Still building up strength in his leg. But happy to have that super smelly thing off! 4. In n Out with Daddy for lunch a rare treat!

5: day at the park. So doesn't feel like January 6: obsessed over Sally Hansen peel and stick polish 7: dinner out to celebrate Grandmas birthday - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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