We had a very relaxing nice and low key fourth. This is the first year in a long time that we were not with the Trapp's for Trapp week. Me being stuck on the couch didn't work to well for that.
We spent most of the day just hanging out at home, together which was nice. We went over to Grandpa Rich's and Grandma Jody's for a BBQ and to watch fireworks. Uncle Dave and Aunt Heidi came down which was nice because Noah just loves Taylee and David. And well all of Jeff's cousins. We had a very relaxing day by the pool and then ate LOTS of yummy food. The highlight for me was watching fireworks, it was so nice to sit on the balcony and watch like 10 different shows going on. It was just so nice to not have to carry anyone, fight traffic or deal with the millions of people out and out. It was VERY nice. Sawyer really enjoyed the fireworks and even ooohed and aaahed. Noah was bored after about ten minutes. Noah did enjoy shooting off the little confettie poppers with the help of Jon and Karilyn.
Glad to see you got out and sat on someone elses couch for a while. You guys are so cute!
cute new blog makeover I love it!!!!!! Looks like you had a great fourth!!
Hey! Sorry to hear that you are having pregnancy drama. We were with your fam in Temecula for the fourth it was pretty fun. I will keep checking your blog for baby news updates. Hope all goes well we wil pray for you and baby ryder.
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