Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mom's Work

I told Jeff last night that I was giving him my 2 weeks notice, I think he thought I was joking, but at the moment I was totally serious. He didn't take my resignation, maybe I should put it in writing??

If you couldn't tell it has been a LONG week. We have been completely cooped up inside, which is not my favorite. When I started my Mommy journey years ago I thought it would be all fun and play, lots of cute moments. But no one told me that those moments are very few and far between. I was not at all prepared for the real life of a mommy. Those who are mom's know what I am talking about.
I wish I could say I was better at handling the bad days, the life happens moments but sadly I am not. I need constant reminders that this is a journey try and be happy, stop stressing and enjoy it.
Being a mom is hard there is no boss giving a pay check or a bonus, it is work work work. And even the wonderful glorious breaks are filled with worry and sometimes regret at what you might be missing.
I love my cute little faces even at the worst moments they do brighten the days, even I try harder to ignore that and stay grumpy. It is a lot of work and while I need to remember that there may not be a reward today I know there will be one someday. That my children having me here is rewarding. I am so I am trying to remember that, sad that I need to be reminded but hey I am only human. I must give a shout out to the hubs, who listens to me complain who I know would rather be here than anywhere else. Even if I am a huge grump some days.
Today I am thankful for my 3 boys who reminded me of my reward, for the Lord's tender mercies in my life, and for a loving, kind and overly PATIENT husband. I am blessed and this is good work.


I'm Melissa... said...

Sorry you're having a rough week. The rain sure makes things harder... I have an appt. tomorrow with a 5 year old and don't know what I'm going to do with him for 3 hours INSIDE. You have to entertain 3 ALL DAY. So it's understandably hard and frustrating. I wish I could come give you some relief...

BTW - your pictures look great! Are you LOVING your camera??

karin said...

I hear ya.

What is the address for the RS blog?

The Four on Board said...

I understand about the hard days and the rainy days...but I am glad what your post says at the end, because you are very lucky to be home! :) :) Wish I could say the same and be able to have health insurance and a place to live. Life is hard isnt it? Argh :)

Aaron Shaw said...

Those faces are cute!

Darci said...


Amy Snell said...

We are both in the same boat...I told Bryan that I was going to sell the kids {jokingly of course...kinda} because they are making me insane!! I hope things start to get better soon...sending good thoughts and happy days your way :P