Thursday, March 12, 2009

A day late and a dollar short.......

Ryder turned EIGHT MONTHS yesterday. It just kills me. I find myself wishing many many of the long days away, which is sad. I can't get over how fast the time is going bye, and how different each one of my babies are.

Ryder is still up to a whole lot of nothing which is good and bad. He doesn't get around too much which is nice for me. He still sleeps in his car seat, he can't sit up on his own but does like to roll from his tummy to his back. He has two teeth and is still working on two more at the moment. He chews and drools on EVERYTHING. He loves to watch everything his brothers do. He is the happiest when he is the center of attention and being held!

We love you Ry Ry and are so happy that you are a part of your family.


karin said...

Ryder is so cute. And look at that happy face, it is hard to believe he is already 8mo.

Cassie said...

Man he is so dang cute!! You are sooo lucky he isn't moving around yet, I wish that Hallie wouldn't have figured that out so early. My days are so tireing chasing her around!!

Hancocks said...

I can't believe he's that old already! Wow! He's super cute and happy!

Bethany said...

Happy 8 months to Ryder! So sad how fast it goes. Some days I feel the same way about long days!! That just means we need to go to the park more to make them shorter!

Darci said...

Seriously?!?!? I swear you were just pregnant. He is a total cutie, even though I know he cries for you alot.