For the past few weeks we have been living with Mr. Grumpy pants. I got to thinking that maybe it was due to the baby food he has been eating. So I decided that I would make him baby food. It was really fun and I am having a total proud mama moment. I just loved doing it. And even better was that Ryder seemed to really enjoy it! I started with squash and sweet potatoes. I still have to do pears and carrots.
This is what happened while I was busy creating.....
Sawyer dumped out all the toys and then was hanging out in the basket.
And then Sawyer hit Noah in the face with a bucket....causing his eye to bleed and I really thought that I was going to make a trip to the ER. But after talking to my oncall nurse...KELLY she thought he was ok and he is fine. So I am glad I didn't go down there and look like an idiot.
I knew you were domestic deep down.
His eye doesn't look that bad. And isn't that always the way it is, you try to get something done and the children get hurt.
Way to go super mommy! PS you babies are bald!!!
I was getting a little anxious for some more pictures!
Way to go with making him food!!! I still have never done that, gerber baby food was my best friend.
Check you out!! Baby food maker and ER nurse all in one should be a proud mama!
I am so impressed! Poor little Noah!
You go girl with the homemade baby food! And why is it that when we're trying to do something productive, our kids get themselves into all kinds of trouble?!
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