Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Way TOO Invested......

Dear ABC and Bachelor Producers,

I hate you all I have become entirely TOO invested in this silly show. I realize that the success rate of these silly shows almost never turn out in happily ever after. BUT I watch it...I may even say I am addicted. (I have watched almost everyone, except the first) Like I said too invested. But what was done on this show made me so ANGRY. I would like to think I would not watch the next season but really this drama is too good.

Jason, You are scum....that sounds harsh. But lets face it life is not rose petals and hot tubs. Chemistry takes work. I think you are totally selfish. And what is worse is that you have a son and I feel bad for him how confusing it must be to that poor little guy. I hope you get him a good therapist. You are a jerk I wish that Melissa or Molly would have punched you because that is exactly what you deserve. If you were really in love with them both why propose really you have done this three times now. I don't like you not even a little.

Melissa, I am sorry that Jason stole your moment. I felt for you....that was mean and nasty and good for you to call him on being an idiot. You will do better. Really I think you may have come out on top.

Molly, Have some self respect. To take him back is one thing but to make out with him in the same show. You are pathetic. At this point you may deserve each other. EEW!

I can't believe I am making this a post, I can't believe I am that annoyed by this show. REALLY I am way to obsessed. I may need therapy.


The Four on Board said...


Bethany said...

You're hilarious Abby! I was upset about it and I didn't even watch the season - just last night.

Darcy said...

Don't kill me but I am happy the way it turned out! I wish he picked Molly the first time but I think they will get married and live happily ever after. I thought that Melissa was not the right one from the start. I personally was hoping he went back to Deanna because I thought they were the BEST together. Also I think you can't judge because you are not in the situation. I could totally see how he would be tourn. In reality there are not 25 women all with perfect bodies and faces trying to whooo you. How could be not "fall in love" with multiple people. For all we know Melissa might have ended up being a needy, annoying person in real life situations. I feel bad for all parties involved, it wasn't ideal but I think it was right.

WOW, I am not invested at all!!!! You are pathetic for how involved you are in the show!

PS. That is sarcasism in case you can't tell from teh writing!!!

Courtney N said...

The whole show is out of control! But, hey, that's what makes good reality TV. My roommate and I have done research and apparently a lot of it was staged. Like the breakup with Melissa on TV. So if that was staged who knows what else was. Its just too bad that they are messing with peoples emotions...

karin said...

I wish I could say I knew what you are talking about but then I probably would be as upset as you are, so it is a good thing I did not watch this season.

cari said...

I <3 Jillian!!!!! I am so happy she got the boot just in time to not be involved in all of this. I don't care about any of the rest of them!!!

P.S. I seriously like Jillian so much that I want to be her new best friend...do you think that would be very hard to do. I mean I am here in California and she is in Canada. Huh, I guess we will just have to wait and see. =)

P.P.S. I am not obsessed either! =)

Marybel said...

I agree with you Abby. He is a jerk. I always say I won't watch the show again and I keep watching it season after season. I am addicted too. The DRAMA is just too much fun to watch. I agree with Cari too. I loved Jillian!!! So I'll be watching next season. If Jason wasn't so selfish he would have realized that she was the right girl for him. Oh well, his loss is her gain. Now she gets to pick her guy.