Happy Birthday Sawyer!!! I can't even believe that you are one already!!! I feel like this year has just flown by. I wish I had old pictures on this computer to show how little he was when he was born. He is getting so big!!!
Here are some things that Sawyer enjoys these days....
1. He still loves to EAT....he loves waffles for breakfast, he loves in-n-out hamburgers and just discovered whole milk and loves it!
2. He loves his Daddy, when Jeff leaves every morning he just gets so sad and stands at the door calling his name. He gets very upset it Jeff doesn't say hello to him first when he gets home.
3. He is very loud when he wants to be, he recently discovered his voice, and uses it to scream whenever he wants something.
4. He loves his Brother, it so cute to see his face light up whenever he enters the room. He wants to do everything that he does and loves to wrestle.
5. He loves to crawl and he is getting pretty fast. He stands very well and has taken a few steps.
6. He loves music and gets very excited when we listen to music in the car.
7. He loves to sleep, he still takes two very long naps and sleeps very well at night.
8. He has the cutest strawberry blonde hair, and it is still growing in that color.
9. He is still the sweetest happiest baby.
10. He has the cutest chubby cheeks and little rolls on his legs...it is so cute!!!
Sawyer we love you so much and hope that you have a very wonderful day today!!!
Happiest of birthdays to your little one!
Great kid already knowing the wonderfulness that is Waffles and In-n-Out. Hmmmm, maybe I'll eat some today in his honor (okay any excuse)
Happy Birthday Sawyer! What a cutie you are! Hope you have a fun day filled with yummy food, running around, playing with fun toys, and getting away with everything.
Happy birthday, Sawyer! He such a cutie!
Happy Birthday Sawyer! I hope you are spoiled today (not that you are spoiled most days). We will have to get In-N-Out soon to celebrate your birthday.
Waffles and In-N-Out...basically what I live on too! He is super cute and I can't believe either that he's one. Happy Birthday!!!
Happy B-day Sawyer! I wish I could see you little buddy!!!
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