Friday, September 28, 2007

Half a year and four Dr. visits.......

I can't believe that Sawyer is six months old!!!! Here are the six things he is up to these days.....

1. eating....he weighed 19 and a half pounds.....
2. rolling and scooting......
4. trying to sit up....
5. grabbing...that is one reason why I cut off my hair
6. cuddling a few times this week he fell asleep on someone instead of wanting his bed!!!

It all started two weeks ago......Jeff woke up with an ear ache, we thought it was swimmers ear but it was an ear infection...that was doctor visit #1....Last Tuesday while in Temecula Noah came down with a friday he still had a fever and still miserable.....turns out he had a sinus infection...that was doctor visit #2....Tuesday Sawyer had his six month check up no sickness for him just routine shots followed by a routine fever that was doctor visit #3.....I thought that I caught Noah's cold on Monday night I took lots of medicine and felt great Tuesday night then on Thursday I thought my head might finally I went in today...sinus infection and ear infection doctors visit #4.....I think that I am going to send Jeff's paycheck directly to the pharmacy and doctors office!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Disneyland and the first aid station........and a very long post!!!!

Let me just start out by saying that for the first two years of my little mans life we have been without much drama....but in the last week I have been to the doctors far more than I need with that we went to disneyland yesterday with a GREAT group of friends. Moms went first and the husbands come after work. It was a very fun time until I well kinda ran my little mans head into a pole on the haunted mansion....he cried I asked him if he was okay and he said he still wanted to go on the ride so we did and he had FUN!! Once off the ride everyone but me realized that my child was bleeding and had a little hole in his head!!! Nice mom huh make him run into the pole and then go on the ride and then everyone else tells you that your child has blood on the side of his head! Nice I know!! So luckily I was with calm people who took my tiny man on rides while me and little man trudged off to the nurses station.....Lets just say that she told me to go urgent care....I love disney and I know that they had to cover there liability and all so I asked my group what they would do......well we ended up on a few more rides with a HUGE RED crayon band-aid and looks from all the people in line with us!! So the next time you are at disneyland and if you are like me and a little low on your mommy radar bring your friends so you can borrow theirs!!! Don't worry my little man is just fine and if you see him I promise you he will show you his band-aid......

Friday, September 7, 2007


Well it is official.....I am season pass holder!!! I know for most that is no big deal but for me this is huge I LOVE LOVE LOVE Disneyland....seriously I enjoy it way more than my kids!!! So needless to say we will be going everyday if we could!! Pictures will follow!! I am just a sucker for that place!!!